
编号 题目 状态 分数 总时间 内存 代码 提交者 提交时间
#566280 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 14 ms 316 K C++ / 238 B wc090 2024-12-09 19:51:24
#346396 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 10 ms 316 K C++ 14 / 227 B Sunqishuo 2023-09-23 8:33:52
#167408 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 10 ms 384 K C++ 14 / 241 B tctm19 2022-05-18 20:37:20
#248907 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 15 ms 332 K C++ / 241 B wangyuzhe蒟蒻 2023-03-15 22:06:40
#326935 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 18 ms 332 K C++ 14 / 241 B ym15黄金1 2023-08-23 14:43:06
#13755 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 23 ms 352 K C++ / 242 B chenweiqi 2019-08-19 15:49:30
#16186 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 30 ms 348 K C++ / 242 B yaoxiao 2019-08-24 21:55:49
#157284 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 11 ms 384 K C++ / 242 B KingheroKing of the summit 2022-04-05 16:34:51
#128346 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 15 ms 384 K C++ 14 / 242 B JntmCSP-J2二等 2021-12-12 15:31:52
#128815 #44. 数组求和 Accepted 100 13 ms 256 K C++ 14 / 242 B chessman10黑铁V 2021-12-15 19:02:13


